The views presented in this blog are the views of the author, and are not intended to represent the views of the government, the Department of Defense, or the United States Army, or any person or organization of consequence. Any resemblance to the viewpoints of legitimate writers or intelligent persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. If you try to reprint this without the permission of the author...just don't reprint this without the permission of the author, we'll leave it at that.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Goodbye Summer...sort of...???

Hell I know it's been a while since I've been on here, but a shitty blog is better than no blog,  right?  Ok, I know it's not, but do you really expect gold everytime I open my laptop?  Besides, why would you?  There hasn't been gold yet, why would you expect it now?  I didn't go out and get a PhD in Literary Arts in my absence, contrary to what you may believe.  Instead, I've been in the field, living in austere conditions and training for the worst possible scenarios our country could face, living in a hotel, training others for the worst possible scenarios our country could face, and in the meantime trying to find someone to rent my house so I can move to Virginia in a couple of months.  While all this has been going on, my wife has quit her job, supervised the packing and shipping of all our personal possessions, and moved her and the baby back to Arkansas for a few weeks.  I'm once again living in austere conditions, meaning I'm sleeping on my good friend's futon whilst sharing his one-bedroom apartment in the San Antonio barrio.  I've also completed 3 more hours of MBA coursework, decided to take a whole semester off, and lost ten pounds.  So, don't go getting uppity because of my lack of bloggage.  I've been busy!  

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