The views presented in this blog are the views of the author, and are not intended to represent the views of the government, the Department of Defense, or the United States Army, or any person or organization of consequence. Any resemblance to the viewpoints of legitimate writers or intelligent persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. If you try to reprint this without the permission of the author...just don't reprint this without the permission of the author, we'll leave it at that.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Catching Up

Wow, it's been a month since I've been on here. The past 28 days have been quite crazy, and don't for a minute believe that 28 days means I went to rehab. They tried to make me go but I said "No, no, no." But, I digress. This finance class I'm taking has been whipping my tail, and I really haven't had any motivation or inspiration to write for a while. My job is sapping every bit of life I had left in me out, and I am finally seeing a light in this proverbial tunnel I've been in for so long. I'm finally leaving the hell-hole cubical city I've been contained to for the past 8 months, and moving on to conduct a real mission for a while. It may pay off big time for me, and I'm hoping, nay praying, that it does. More to follow...